Tuesday, July 7, 2015


The trip takes you on an wonderful overland journey right around the country. An excellent combination of  the mysteries of Cambodia's ancient Khmer civilization and some unspoiled beaches of Sihanouville. Additional highlight of The trip is French colonial outpost of Battambang and cruise across Tonle Sap lake.

Please access this below for more details about the tour:
If you need more Cambodia Overland Tours, please access this below link:
And other tours in Cambodia:

Or kindly email us directly for any inquiries about tours & prices: sales@vietlongtravel.com

Herein, we would like to introduce the full itinerary of Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour:
*BRIEF ITINERARY:Day 1: Arrival – Phnom Penh
Day 2: Phnom Penh
Day 3: Phnom Penh – Takeo – Kampot
Day 4: Kampot  – Bokor – Sihanoukville
Day 5: Sihanoukville
Day 6: Sihanoukville – Phnom Penh
Day 7: Phnom Penh – Battambang
Day 8: Battambang – Siem Reap – Angkor Temples – Religions & Relics Explorations
Day 9: Siem Reap – Angkor Tours
Day 10: Siem Reap – Angkor Watt
Day 11: Siem Reap – Departure

Day 1 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Arrival – Phnom Penh Package Tours (-/-/-)

Cambodia Overland Tours: Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour
Silver Pagoda in Phnom Penh
Morning arrival at Phnom Penh Airport. Transfer to your hotel (room may not be ready until begining afternoon). With your professional guide and prived car we start to visit Phnom Penh . Situated at the confluence of the Mekong and Tonle Sap Rivers, the Cambodia’s capital city look like a big village- town where French colonial influences can still be seen in old buildings restored. We will first go to see Wat Phnom Temple.Then we will visit the Royal Palace and the Silver Pagoda . The Palace is a magnificent example of Khmer architecture, it was built in 1866. You will see the Throne Hall and the Napoleon III Pavilion. Silver Pagoda is one of the richest shrines in the world . The floor is made of 5.000 silver tiles. Afternoon, visit of the National Museum, a Khmer red pavilion, which is dedicated to Khmer art and sculpture. The majority are from the Angkor period (9th to 15th century), and some from the 4th century. If you would like to see, you will visit Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum and we will enjoy a boat cruise on the Mekong River to see Phnom Penh from the river, and watching the sunset over Phnom Penh.
O/N in Phnom Penh.

Day 2 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Phnom Penh Sightseeing Tours (B/-/-)

Today we continue seeing Phnom Penh with the Royal University of Fine Arts, where the young Cambodians learn the ancient arts of their ancestors. A view of numerous children practicing the graceful movements of the beautiful national dances is impressive. The next stop of our trip is the National Museum, exclusively dedicated to Khmer art and sculpture. The majority of the exhibits are from the Angkor period from 9th to 15th centuries, but some date from as early as the 4th century. Heading out of town we visit the Tuol Sleng Prison Museum and the notorious ‘Killing Fields’ of Choeung Ek, which will give us a deep insight into the painful bloody rule of the Khmer Rouge. We have time for an exploration of Psar Toul Tom Pong, also called the “Russian Market”, where anything and everything is for sales.
O/N in Phnom Penh.

Day 3 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Phnom Penh Package Tours – Takeo – Kampot Sightseeing Tours (B/-/-)

Cambodia Overland Tours: Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour
Kampot in Cambodia
The journey southwards begins as we depart Phnom Penh and make our first stop at Phnom Chisor Temple dating back from the 11th century. A 500 step path leads up to the top of the hill from where we can enjoy fabulous views over the surrounding countryside. We get on our car to the quiet town of Takeo before taking a short cruise to Angkor Borei town, located just a few kilometer navigation from the Vietnam border. There is a small museum which displays several reproductions of sculptures from the nearby ruins and few artifacts dating as far back as the 4th century. After seeing this pleasant place, we continue our boat trip to visit a pre-Angkorian style temple of Phnom Da and a nearby temple of Asram Maharosei. The steep path over some big rocks makes Asram Maharosei different from other temples in Cambodia.
O/N in Kampot.

Day 4 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Kampot Package Tours – Bokor – Sihanoukville Sightseeing Tours (B/-/-)

An early morning start to drive uphill to Bokor National Park. At an elevation of over 1,000 meters, Bokor was founded in the early years of the last century as a hill resort for French administrators when the heat on the plain became unbearable. There are some remains of the French colonial period and many small waterfalls. The road conditions are very poor, but view from the top of the mountain is all worthwhile. We then travel by roads along the southern coast towards Sihanoukville, which has long been a place of relaxation for Cambodians.
O/N in Sihanoukville.

Day 5 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Sihanoukville Beach Tours (B/-/-)

The lovely beaches of Sihanoukville are some of the most unspoiled in all of Southeast Asia although the fast growing of tourism. There are some 10 km of beach stretching the whole length of the town and dozens of small islands just a short boat ride away, which make for a perfect tropical getaway, with facilities for swimming, snorkeling or scuba diving. This free day will provide you some great opportunities to soak up the sun and sea as much as you want by spending your time swimming or lazing on a beach.
O/N in Sihanoukville.

Day 6 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Sihanoukville – Phnom Penh (B/-/-)

Cambodia Overland Tours: Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour
Sihanoukville Beach
Today we have a half day free for relaxation. Off the beach you can rent a boat to explore the nearby coastal islands or the Ream national park which is well known for the mangrove forest and the eco-system. These optional activities are not included, however our guide will be on hand to advise you with valuable information. In the early afternoon we depart Sihanoukville for Phnom Penh and traverse the spectacular rural landscape. An ideal way to spend your last evening in Cambodia is to relax in a cafeteria by the riverfront.
O/N in Phnom Penh.

Day 7 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Phnom Penh – Battambang Package Tours (B/-/-)

The second largest city in Cambodia, Battambang is located on both the highway and railroad linking Phnom Penh with Thailand. Apart from the scenic countryside, this town has a lively market place and many Angkorian as well as post Angkorian sites, some of which are Wat Ek and Wat Toul Bassaet. After breakfast we board a flight to Battambang. On arrival, we enjoy a walk around this colonial styled town and visit some outlaying hilltop temples as well as the infamous cave, which used as execution field under the Khmer Rouge rule. There are also some opportunities to take a drive along tiny winding tracks into some small villages where tourists hardly ever venture.
O/N in Battambang.

Day 8 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Battambang – Siem Reap – Angkor Temples – Religions & Relics Explorations (B/-/-)

Upon leaving the town we set off on scenic trip crossing Tonle Sap Lake to Siem Reap, our base for visiting the world famous temples of Angkor. No express boat so we travel by local boat navigating along a large river system and small canals before arriving on Tonle Sap Lake . The journey is long, but very interesting since we pass by floating villages, friendly children on small boats and fishmen at work. After checking into hotel in Siem Reap, we drive to the archeological area to discover the South Gate of Angkor Thom, famous for its series of colossal human faces carved in stone, the impressive Bayon Temple, the Royal Enclosure, Phimeanakas, the Elephant Terrace, the Terrace of the Leper King, and the largest and most complete structure of Angkor Wat.
O/N in Siem Reap.

Day 9 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Siemreap – Angkor tours (B/-/-)

Cambodia Overland Tours: Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour
Siem Reap: Angkor Wat Complex
The jungle covered temple of Ta Prohm is an incredible sight. There are enormous fig trees and gigantic creepers which embrace themselves in the stone foundations of the structure giving the impression of man’s creation being reclaimed by the powerful forces of nature. We explore this masterpiece as well as some of the surrounding temples including Banteay Kdei, Sra Srong, Ta Keo, Thommanon and Chau Say Tevado. The grand circuit with Preah Khan, Kravan, Neak Pean, Krol Ko, Ta Som, East Mebon and Pre Rup Temples, is also visited this afternoon before we walk up to Phnom Bakheng Hill for a view of the spectacular sunset over these sandstone monuments.
O/N in Siem Reap.

Day 10 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Siem Reap – Angkor Watt Package Tours (B/-/-)

Heading out of town we make our way by travelling on a newly paved road to the intricately carved and well preserved temple of Banteay
Srei. Along the way we make stopover at the Preah Dark village and the River of 1000 Lingas, locally named Kbal Spean. We follow these with a visit the Banteay Samre Temple adorned with impressive reliefs depicting scenes of Vishunu as well as Krishna legends. We also have time today to explore the ancient Khmer civilization site of Hariharalaya which flourished in the late 9th and earlier 10th centuries. These are the earliest temples in the Angkor area and are referred to the Rolous group.
O/N in Siem Reap.

Day 11 – Best Ever Cambodia Overland Sightseeing Tour: Siemreap – departure (B/-/-)

There is free time for your own exploration of the town and strolling around the shopping area. The trip ends after your transfer to Siem Reap Airport for departure.
End of services!
  • transportation in private vehicle with driver
  • accommodation in hotels or guest houses (twin shared room)
  • boat trips as mentioned on the trip
  • English or French speaking guide
  • entrance fee to indicated sights
  • Meals as indicated: B = Breakfast, L = Lucnh & D = Dinner
  • Pure bottled water & Wipes
  • other meals and drinks
  • tips
  • airport taxes
  • personal expenses
  • insurance

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